May 10, 2023

Easy Appointment System

Embarking on your healthcare journey is now simpler and more accessible with Shastho Card. Our platform offers a seamless way to choose your preferred healthcare provider from a broad network of professionals affiliated with partnered hospitals. Here's how we streamline the process for you:

Selecting a Doctor

Choose Your Doctor

Seamlessly select your preferred doctor from our network of partnered hospitals. Access detailed profiles with just a tap.

Select a Date

Effortlessly pick your appointment date from the doctor's available slots. Say goodbye to the back-and-forth of finding open dates.

Secure Payment

Make payments with ease using any local or international credit or debit card, or mobile financial services like bKash and Rocket.

Our digital appointment system revolutionizes the way receptionists manage bookings, making the process simpler than ever. With Shastho’s advanced features, appointments are easily scheduled through our web and mobile platforms.

Booking an appointment marks the beginning of the healthcare journey, often accompanied by challenges such as managing doctors’ schedules and the inconvenience of in-person bookings.

Shastho AI eliminates these obstacles with an intuitive appointment system. Check doctor schedules and book appointments online effortlessly, streamlining the initial step of your healthcare experience.